Activities at
Yeshe Nyingpo Denver

Through our various programs and events, we aim to create a supportive and inclusive space for individuals to deepen their understanding and integration of Tibetan Buddhism into their lives. Join us on this transformative journey and discover the profound experiences of meditation, compassion, and wisdom.

The mind of awakening is pure.
Strive for the benefit of self and other.
Meditate on the insubstantial essence.
Be intent on what causes the birth of wisdom.

The Gold Stupa


Our dharma center performs three Tsoks each month using texts by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche.  They are the Lakeborn Tsok to honor Guru Rinpoche on the 10th day of the lunar month, the Shakyamuni Tsok on the day of the full moon, and the Dakini Tsok on the 25th day of the lunar month.  If these dates fall on a weekday, the Tsoks take place in the evening starting at 6:30 pm.  If these fall on a weekend, they are held during the afternoon. We also celebrate other special dates in the Tibetan Calendar. These Tsoks are led by Lama Gretchen or another senior member of our Sangha. 

For our 2024-25 Tsok Schedule, please click here.

If you would like to participate in one of our Tsoks, please join our Tsok email list by clicking here. As the dates or times of Tsoks may change, an email will notify you of the date, time, and location of an upcoming Tsok.

Two of the images below show thangkas that are relevant to the Dudjom Tersar tradition.  Both the thangka of Guru Rinpoche and the Dakini include images of Dudjom Lingpa on the left and of Dudjom Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje on the right.

Click on image below for a larger view.

Guru Rinopche




Traditionally in the fall and spring, Lama Gretchen offers several classes ranging from one session of two hours, one night a week for 4-8 weeks, or a weekend seminar to explore our understanding and experience of the Buddhist path. Focusing predominantly on how to apply the familiar Buddhist content to our daily experiences, habits, meditation, and self-focused ego, these classes intend to deepen our experiential application of Buddhism to the path toward enlightenment.

Classes will be offered as in-person for those in the Denver area and online via Zoom for others.

Topics may include:

  • Meditation practices

  • Four Immeasurables (equanimity, loving-kindness, compassion, and empathetic joy)

  • Ego-self versus Non-ego self

  • Explorations of the Five Wisdom/emotional families in our everyday behavior    

  • Introduction to the Ngondro and Shinay

  • Emptiness and duality

In the future, the recorded teachings of Dungse Shenphen Rinpoche may be offered with supplementary information provided by Lama Gretchen.

To receive notice of these teachings, please join our YND email list at the bottom of this page. If you have specific questions about our classes, you may contact Lama Gretchen via


From His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche:  “Riwo Sang Chö is one of the most powerful practices that benefit both the living and the deceased.  In this practice, we make offerings to everyone with whom we have a karmic connection and repair damage caused over many lives.  This will remove obstacles to health and life force and create auspicious circumstances for enlightenment for ourselves and others.”

Riwo Sang Chö makes an offering of incense, grains, metals, juniper branches, and various herbs to benefit all sentient beings.  The mixture of these items, which are placed on hot charcoal or a smoldering fire of wood, generates smoke to purify and pacify.  It is not called a fire offering, as that is a different practice. 

When weather permits, the practice is traditionally done outside.  YND schedules this practice at various times during the year to be performed weekly as a group.


Meditation practice for the community is led by Norman Wilson – one of our senior Sangha members trained by Shenphen Rinpoche over many years. Traditionally held on Sundays from 9 - 10 am, a new location will be forthcoming as the previous location, Mercury Café, has closed.


At times, we invite other lamas to provide teachings and/or empowerments to our sangha and guests.  These are usually open to everyone.  Dungse Tulku Namgay Dawa has in the past, and will in the future, come to Denver.